Archive for May, 2017

Fast Way

Posted by John Sommers on 5th May 2017 in General

Today I decided to move I go to leave of being the same idiot of always, knows when you of the one are enough in certain attitudes that they barred its joy, of more the value the people who you menospreza, therefore is, is at moments as soon as is good to say pra signalling of the traffic of the life to give one paradinha in these vehicles that they insist on poluir our avenue of the mind. But I find that this I very do not understand of what I am speaking, you must find that I am a complete one pirada, loucamente desvairada, among others adjectives which is infinite, but I will explain mehor she happened what me. It was a night that people leave with a plan in mind and finish executing another one in which nor this planned clearly, but finishes giving certain. I of eye in good looking a new in the piece was, but with the schism of always, I am fat excessively pra it, I am ugly excessively it never goes to look at pra me, however nor he happened thus, I was to the one religious party in the house of a super friend mine, although it to be older people if understands, I was presented to this good looking one which I go to call Danilo, Danilo and I change high papos we pareciamos that we were infancy friends wanting to play of doctor, only imginem. We change telephones, and since of this day we are so next that nothing it happened, is I ruined the expectations of voces, it was the plan that was not executed. Today ' ' We are friends, friends of the chest, friends of one vez' ' . However as everything in my life it is a sea of roses with thorns, I I knew my imaginary friend gasparzinho, trick clearly, I knew the Welington which I did not like not a little, p ensa in that boy which if finds it bambambam of the road, lives of ugly face, but he was pretty. . .


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