Brazilian Institute
‘ It comes, We go even so, to wait is not to know. Who knows makes the hour, not espera’ ‘ For the croppers of flowers of cut and floriculturistas of Brazilian plants, the Cattleya sort is most important in the used market being comumente as synonymous of orqudea or as ‘ ‘ Queen of the Orqudeas’ ‘ Meneses (1987), surely for the exuberncia, size of the flower and incomparable fragrance. Comumente in Brazil the Cattleyas is classified as originary of the dense forests of the Amazonian basin and or the Brazilian coast with prominence for the remainders of Atlantic Mata; in this chance I want to detach the occurrence of the Cattleya Mesquitae in a closed region of in the heart of Brazil, more necessarily in the bordering lines between the cities of Guiratinga- and Torixoru-TM. According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statisticians these cities are integrant of the Legal Amaznia; they describe it to specialists as ‘ ‘ areas of tensions ecolgicas’ ‘ for being incrusted between the Amaznia the open pasture and Pantanal, adding plants and animals of three biomas, sets of ten of endemic them of this region, lacking of detailed studies more, on its especificidades. The fact is that in full century XXI the region still hides biological mysteries and wealth that the public imaginations most delirious and institutions defy even though among which I detach the not governmental universities, schools techniques and organizations that can offer important contributions for the real knowledge of the local florstico potential. Ahead of the fast transformations that the Weed open pasture comes suffering, front to the model of development sponsored throughout the years for the governmental machine, some native species are before disappearing same to be studied. In particular in the South Region of Mato Grosso with the implantation of the activity goldwasher for return of 1908 cattle parallel the extensive one and later with the introduction of the intensive culture of grains, at the beginning of the decade of 1970.