Professional Cassation Court
Ko uta IF … MSCO will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Or despair ON REGULATION I. The Chamber III of 19/09/98 CNPC Autoconvocatoria to bring up the whole in the case Kosuta. Established case law in this Chamber law firm on the issue of disqualification different from the others, the Chamber III requested the meeting plenary to resolve that particular issue, invoking art. y clicking through. 10, inc. b, of Act 24,050 ( “The National Chamber of Professional Cassation Court will meet in full attorneys … b) To unify the jurisprudence of their rooms or to avoid conflicting judgments’), and furthermore, three additional issues. These latter issues were raised by invoking the application of art. 10, inc. c of the Act ( ‘The National Chamber of Professional Cassation Court will meet in full attorney … c) To set the interpretation of the law applicable to the case when the House, at the initiative of any of its Boards, should understand that ‘). A major problem was the issues that had not been raised in the case ‘only discussed the issue of penalty inahibilitacion’. Chairman of the Humpty Dumpty Institute ,