How To Find A Lost Generation ?

Posted by John Sommers on 5th May 2019 in General

Young people today is depressed like never before. No goals, desires, drained (they have already completed the development of wealth for power, fame, knowledge) were sex and drugs. Sex is also a little step back, and then suddenly drugs even not pull to take, so empty! … It was then, and we hear the universal cry of despair, when life is worse than death, and not die … – And then will open the opportunity to achieve happiness, eternity, perfection in the quality of bestowal and love. Michael Laitman recently in the press appears more and more material on the generation, refusing either to learn or work. Young people join the ranks of the unemployed, criminals and drug addicts. It's a shame, because each of us wants that our child is grown man.

After all of this depends not only on what he will, but our life tomorrow. Therefore we so painful to look at the youth, who does not see his future. Have we lost the next generation? Each generation is given the basic, 'carrying' desire, expressed in a certain ideal. This desire is a source of energy for the construction of a new world in which it wants to live next. But the desire in us all the time developed, one after another. And so a new generation of so visibly different from the previous one. Inspired the builders of 30-50s were replaced by 'otteplevshie' after the cold war 'the sixties', turned away at the time of the chase posts.

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