The Human Side

Posted by John Sommers on 11th June 2016 in General

We are santificados by the Son – (Hb 10.10; 2.11). We are santificados by the Espirito Santo – (Rm 15.16; 1 Co 6.11; Gl 5,22-25). 2. The Human Side of the Sanctification the human side of the sanctification involves two acts of the part of the believer. They are: separation and dedicao.a) Separation: ‘ ‘ Thus, therefore, if somebody to exactly purificar itself of these errors, will be utensil for honor, santificado and useful to its possessor, being prepared for all good obra’ ‘ (2 Tm 2,21). The reason of God not to use certain people, is because never if separaram.b) Devotion: The devotion is something that we make. It involves our will and it includes our being all. ‘ ‘ I supplicate you, therefore, brothers that you present your bodies in alive sacrifice, pleasant saint and the God, who is your cult racional’ ‘ (Rm 12,1).

God does not drag nobody for the way of discipulado, of the true devotion and services. It is a spontaneous and complete act of the part of the Christian. Why we must santificar in them? 1. The sanctification is an express order of God. The order of God is meridian clear: ‘ ‘ Santificai-vos’ ‘. Without sanctification nobody can see the God.

Without sanctification communion with God does not exist, therefore God is light and alone the pure ones of heart will be able to see it face the face. God called in them the sin for the sanctity. It saved in them of the sin and not in the sin. Those that is of God are separated of the sin and are delighted in the sanctity. The people of God is a people saint called for the sanctity. We are saints positionally, but we must santificar in them procedurally. The same God who worked for us in the redemption, works in us in santificao.

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