Archive for February, 2017


Posted by John Sommers on 21st February 2017 in General

JOSE BRECHNER Barack Obama go down in history as the idiot or the bigger scoundrel who ruled the United States. The adjectives are not mutually exclusive, you can be both things at the same time. His new approach to our enemies measure has been banning the official use of the term Islamic extremism. Months ago it vedo the use of the term war against terrorism and changed by external contingency operations. In a question-answer forum TSI International Group was the first to reply. At this rate its next characterization of Islamic fascists, will be: Dear brothers. Obama wants the world to see Islam as a religion of moderate people, because as he says, they are only a few terrorists.

Therefore also were a few members of the Nazi SS, but the majority of the Germans applauded and cheered Hitler. There is no moderate islam, just as there is no moderate Communism or Nazism. By nature they are all absolutist conceptions. Is there any Islamic country which allows to be Muslim and secular? Islam is only one and is the same for all his followers. Some are more fanatical and daring, others less, but its laws are the same for all of his faithful and who does not meet them is sentenced to death. Is that moderation? To understand the Jihad, it must understand islam. Islam, like Christianity, is considered the only bearer of divine truth that must be disclosed or imposed on everyone.

Christianity had its long ages of barbarism, islam never overcame them. Christianity and islam are two civilizations defined in religious terms that came into conflict not by their differences, but by their similarities. Islam is not just a matter of faith and practice; It is also an identity and fidelity. For many an identity and a faithfulness that surpass all others. In the UN, there is the Muslim bloc, not the Catholic, Protestant, or Buddhist. Muhammad was not only Prophet and teacher, as the founders of other religions; He was also ruler and soldier.

South American

Posted by John Sommers on 11th February 2017 in General

The 26 of June of 1908 were born in Valparaiso that would be in 1970-73 the first elect socialist president of Chile and South America. His government approached much Moscow and Havana and nationalized companies and fundos. The USA, that waged war fries and of Vietnam, did not tolerate, and encouraged a blow to him (which established a dictatorship that would initiate the economic liberalization of the hemisphere). For the left it lasts Beyond fell because it did not want to expropriate to the capitalists and to arm to the workers . Besides however, for his disciples Lagos and Bachellet, he was overthrown to adapt to and ” to cause to derecha”.

For that reason they accepted the program monetarist seeded by Pinochet, promote TLCs and they press the new leftist governments of Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador so that does not radicalize . Today, however, still no South American president has adopted a so left-handed profile as the one that he had Beyond. There is no bipolarity either and the USA looks for to stop izquierdizacin of bolivarianos privileging more legal options that to the coup d’etat mentality gorila.


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