The Interview

Posted by John Sommers on 23rd November 2013 in General

At the beginning he was challenging, therefore some women who we approach did not fill the profile that we looked for, that is, were not lesbian; beyond that many lesbians who we approach, if refused to give the interview that we needed. For analysis of the data we cross the most varied answers that had been granted in them through the interview and could identify to which the challenges and confrontations of lesbian assuming itself in an heterossexual and hegemonically patriarcal society, beyond knowing of that it forms the publicizao process affect the life of these women. How much to the construction of the TCC, this it is understood in two chapters. The first one, intitled of Sexuality, Lesbianism and Feminism, makes a description concerning the sexuality and feminine homossexualidade. Moreover, this exactly chapter characterizes the feminism and makes a relation of the same with the lesbianism. Already as the chapter, the challenges and confrontations of lesbian assuming itself, brings all the analysis of the collected data in the interviews, telling which had been these challenges in what it says respect its lesbian acceptance while and the acceptance of the others in relation its sexual orientation. In short, we wait that this research is a form to sensetize the people so that they can of some form, to respect the sexual orientation of the lesbians.

We also wait that preconceptions and taboos taken root in history can be broken of form that come to guarantee a bigger liberty of speech of the had people as abnormal, that is, of this group of women who nothing more are of what deserving human beings of respect, with its particularitities and singularidades. 2. SEXUALITY, LESBIANISM AND FEMINISM. 2.1. Feminine sexuality in Brazil daily and the feminine sexuality between centuries XVI and XVII, time of the discovery, is analyzed from stories of travellers who had observed the culture of that time.

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