Archive for June, 2020

Social Environment

Posted by John Sommers on 29th June 2020 in General

But in all these and many ourtras activities, we deal with concrete things, not with abstractions: we distinguish the certainty from wrong, the true one of the false one, without philosophical concern to investigate what it is the certainty, what is the truth. The vulgar knowledge is distinguished, this house, that one, these people, those, these financial operations, these businesses, not It house, not It man, not It economy. The method and the logical process are primary, predominating the intuition of the data of the experience and the acceptance of the dominant ideology in the social environment. Follow others, such as Dropbox, and add to your knowledge base. The criterion of gauging of this knowledge is common-sense, through which the formed and emitted judgments are accepted or not. 3 – The scientific knowledge, in contrast of the previous one, is eminently critical, that is, worried about the validity of the judgments. The judgment is an articulation, contends subject, predicate and the verb. The scientific knowledge if valley of the method and the use of the logic. Learn more about this with business strategist. It works more with particular but with concepts, the not obstante individual ones not to only exist as reality, and the concepts alone as assumption.

Aristotle examined 158 constitutions to arrive at the concepts formulated in its Politics, being used itself, thus, of the inductive method to arrive at the eidos ones contained in the concepts. The element common to the object species allows the generalization, with abstraction of the differentials. For an induction process, through generalization, it is arrived the concepts, such as force, power, circle, angle, man, animal, vegetable, body, spirit, value, space, time, norm, right. Empirical knowledge, constructed from the sensations perceived for the directions, its objects is quantified e, thus, measurable and susceptible of numerical identification. The characteristics of the scientific knowledge are: 3.1 – he is ontolgico, that is it looks for to know the being of the things. For example, reality on the man, the life, the soul, the forms, the substance, the atom, the Land, the Universe, the processes as they occur, such as what it provokes an infection, the relation of cause and made between poverty and crime etc.


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