Archive for February, 2014

Manoela Gavassi

Posted by John Sommers on 18th February 2014 in General

Manoela Gavassi could be any normal adolescent, but simply, it is not. This So Paulo charmosa of only 17 years is simply one of the biggest promises of the national scene pop. Although to be novinha, still more new Manu already was an artist. It wrote its first music to the 14 years and if it remembers of each moment of creation as if it was yesterday. The family always stimulated its talent, financing courses and professors who could help in its career. Although its success to seem sudden, the singer already had its espacinho has some time. As many artists of this new generation, first it made success in the Youtube stops later if becoming popular in other ways.

But what its in the site of revistateen more famous of Brazil helped Manoela to be known in the four cantos of the net was a published video, ' ' Capricho' '. Thus, only two months had been transferred so that Gavassi more than got 300 a thousand exhibitions of its video in the Youtube. Incrivelmente had appeared 30 fan-clubs of the girl, come of all the country. The girl is a legitimate representative teen, since beyond being young pretty e, it obtains to captivate to all with easiness, only with talent and affection. When hearing its musics, the first reaction of the young is to say ' ' it sings, what I am sentindo' '. With sensitivity, Manoela obtains to portray this difficult phase of the life, where the majority of the people if feels alone and forsaken. This domfacilitou that producing and recording if they interest in produziz it. Its album of estreia was produced by the celebrity Rick Bonadio, responsible for the success of great bands of the national pop-rock. With 12 musics of proper authorship and ' ' It sings With me ' ' a music of Lucas, vocalista of the band of the Fresno, its album translates the desire of a gotten passionate generation young e. Its videos and letters of musics are for all the cantos of the Internet and comprovamque the girl really will be next dolo adolescent. ' ' Everything what I To want Yeah' ' , ' ' To leave pra l' ' , ' ' I tired of voc' ' many other letters of music are easy to find for the net and show the one that came this young with much talent and road for the front.


Posted by John Sommers on 15th February 2014 in General

It is preparation to start off for the eternity? Fernando Alexis Jimnez He watched the clock. Hardly the five in the morning. Not yet he began to clarear. It was beginning of the year and the sun behind schedule woke up between mountains, somnoliento and sluggish. Another day more .

, complained Carlos and unfruitfully gave average return in the bed, trying to cancel the dream. It failed in its attempt, and one occurred by won. This week seems interminable, murmured in front of the mirror, in the bathroom while the hand went through the face, calculating the growth of the beard. It concluded that the best thing would be to shave itself. It had taken several leaves of calendar. The life him it turned into a cork turning in the periphery of a stormy water eddy. It thought that it did not have sense to live.

Everything was to him equal from monotonous. It did not find difference between a Sunday cheers and carnival, and rainy Monday when it had to go to the work. Long days, darkened, color I seal with lead -You return early of the work? -, him her mother asked when the young person get ready to leave. – I do not know, mother. Perhaps it takes an ice cream with Marcela; but I do not believe that we delay because I must rise early. Tomorrow we have technical committee in the company, and as she is the manager, we must arrive precise –. The vest adjusted, it was placed the helmet and the glasses, and left without greater ceremony, worried by the time. Unlike other occasions, the motorcycle ignited without greater effort. The boy went quickly towards the viaduct. He wanted to soon arrive at the factory Their plans were truncated when a truck that it tried to advance to another vehicle, closed the step to him.


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